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Collagen face serum

COLVITA - collagen in capsules

Available in packages of:

60 capsules (*one month supplementation): €50.00

120 capsules (*two months supplementation): €97.00


COLVITA is a result of a sensational invention of Polish biotechnology - pure and natural collagen obtained from fish skin. It is a supplement of diet and nutricosmetic in capsules, a unique in the world complex of freezed dried pure fish tropocollagen, algae extract and vitamin E.


Chains of human collagen are built from 20 amino acids. Only part of them is produced by human organism. The rest of them have to be delivered with food. However they do not occur too often in our diet, and even if they do, they loose much of their value due to thermal processing they undergo. COLVITA supplementation is a constant supplying of amino acids for cells producing and servicing collagen.


COLVITA is produced from lyophilized fish collagen.


Lyophilization - means freezing pure fish collagen to a temperature of minus 40ºC under high vacuum (1Pa), and then sublimating it (drying).

This method guarantees the highest purity and lightness of the product. It "swells" in the alimentary canal several dozen times according to its volume, which is beneficial for people who want to loose weight as protein diet supports metabolizing fats.

Thanks to this method we get a capsule of biologically active pure fish collagen (98% of proteins) composed of highly bio-absorbable amino acids (collagen components). Synthesis of those amino acids is supported by vitamin E as well as by minerals and vitamin C present in algae.





  • conditions skin from within making it smooth, elastic and soft

  • moisturises deeper layers of connective tissue

  • used regularly slows aging processes of tissues

  • significantly improves condition of skin, hair and nails

  • regenerates structures of connective tissue, cartilage tissue, bone tissue, collagen structures of eyeball and hair

  • recommended for active people, metabolizing protein at physical work, in training building up muscle mass

  • recommended during rehabilitation after mechanical injury of motor organs and joints



Algae (Fucus Vesiculosus), fish collagen, elastin, vitamin E (DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate), lactic acid, gelatin capsule, citric lyophyilizate - carrier


Collagen - the most important protein of human body and the most important component of connective tissue. It is responsible for condition of skin, eyeballs, bones, hair and nails. According to the recent research human ageing process is largely determined by the state of body collagen which is in turn clearly reflected in the condition of skin. Collagen included in COLVITA supplements diet with ingredients which are very rarely obtained by organism from everyday food and are not delivered by any other produced supplement.


Algae - selected as one of ingredients of COLVITA as it shows synergy with fish collagen.

Algae are rich in:

  • calcium

  • copper

  • iron

  • manganese

  • magnesium

  • pottasium

  • chromium

  • iodine

  • vitamins B and C

  • selenium and zinc (microelements which are very important for collagen synthesis)

Algae fasten metabolism, prevent constipation, lower cholesterol level, increase immunity, strengthen hair and nails, improve blood supply of skin.


Vitamin E - an ingredient of many diet supplements. However, activity of synthetic vitamin E is in comparison with the one obtained from natural food, very poor. In COLVITA there is the newest, biotechnological formula of vitamin E with 100% of biological activity. Vitamin E was chosen as an ingredient of COLVITA due to its pharmacological characteristics (mostly antioxidant) and its influence on assimilation of protein. Vitamin Edetermines synthesis of collagen in organism. Another vital vitamin which determines synthesis of collagen is vitamin C. Its most precious form obtained algae, is also present in COLVITA but in a dose below daily recommended allowance.


First symptoms of COLVITA effectiveness are seen after 2 months of regular usage (2 capsules a day). Hair and tissues supporting skin are stronger, which makes skin more supple and moisturized.


After 4-6 months of supplementation we can expect effects that are better not described here as that could be understood as advertising COLVITA as a medication, which it is not.


COLVITA supplementation will not replace varied diet and is not recommended as the only source of supplementation.  Producer's aim was to make COLVITA a unique capsule, containing first of all concentrated bioactive collagen and essential dose of active substances supporting its synthesis.



2 capsules daily, preferably after or during a meal due to presence of vitamin E, which dissolves only in fats.

Physically active people (sportsmen) can take 4-8 capsules a day.



  • Hyperthyroidism (due to the presence of iodine in algae a safe dose for people with hyperthyroidism is 2 capsules a day)

  • low protein diet in serious (dialysed) kidney diseases

  • chemotherapy

  • radiotherapy

  • diseases from the group of collagen diseases

  • 4th to 8th month of pregnancy (only due to legal reasons)

  • eczema based on protein allergy

  • allergy to fish protein (for approx. 0.9% of the population)


COLVITA has been created in accordance with directives defined by nutritionists, immunologists and dermatologists in:


  • lyophilization technique of protein of fish origin

  • selection of active ingredients and their doses

  • constant verification of ingredients quality

  • respondents opinions on product's effectiveness


Get in touch with us to find out how.




  • COLVITA is a hydrate of collagen molecules (NOT a hydrolysate of collagen fibres, as in most popular products), which makes it an exceptional preparation, biologically active and highly bio-available

  • it is a lyophylisate containing about 2% of water and 98% of pure proteins

  • NNU (Net Nitrogen Utilisation) factor for amino acids in Colvita powder is 98.96%, which is the highest protein isolate anabolicity in the world so far

  • it is 100% natural, kosher and suitable for vegetarians

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