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Collagen together with elastin forms a net in your skin which maintains proper hydration, elasticity and firmness of our skin. If your skin is DRY, FLAKY, ITCHY, has it lost it's healthy colour, or maybe you have spots, redness, it heals very slowly? If your answer to any of these questions is YES, then Natural Collagen is deffinitely worth a serious consideration. Thanks to this product you will restore balance in your skin in a natural way!  Collagen together with elastin is a fantastic moisturiser because it is able to bind water particles! Excellent skin moisturisation is actually the first effect which our customers notice when they apply collagen for the first time.



Do you know what happens with your skin when you get sunburn or when you scald it by accident? The net of collagen and elastin gets torn apart. Hot temperature is a protein killer! You've probably tried many methods to cool it down, help your skin to heal itself. Natural Collagen is an amazing First Aid in situations like this. If you apply it immediately on the burnt skin (or arround it if it's really bad), it will soak in within seconds. This procedure would have to be repeated several times of course. Collagen is responsible for skin regeneration, no wonder your skin drinks it so fast - it needs it like we need water to live. With Natural Collagen you can avoid scarring of your skin and existing scars may become less visible.



Yes, collagen is also in your hair and nails. Actually not many people realise that as an organism we are literally swimming in collagen. The cellular fluid, in which our tissues are submerged, is actually collagen. The bone, hair and dental matrices are likewise collagen. Natural Collagen Graphite is an excellent natural product for dry and brittle nails, for dry and greying hair and for joints and bones. It can also be used for home baths - oh... pure luxury for your whole body!

And if you don't like rubbing cosmetics into your skin or are under a special dermatological treatment, we have a fantastic alternative - exactly the same collagen in capsules (COLVITA), which is also rich in algae and vitamin E. Kosher and suitable for vegetarians!



Collagen not only for wrinkles

Natural Collagen is a 100% natural protein product and is good for everyone despite your sex or age. We are all built of proteins. Our skin is naturally built of it (70% of its protein mass is collagen). Therefore this is the most skin-friendly product you can get. Fish collagen has nearly identical structure as the human one and it doesn't cause any side effects, is non-addictive to the skin, non-allergenic and non-irritant.


Our collagen (Platinum, Silver and Graphite) contains only 5 ingredients (INCI), all of which are natural:

aqua, collagen, caprylyl glycol, elastin, lactic acid

Find out more about INGREDIENTS.


There is a list of PRECAUTIONS when using Natural Collagen, however these are only suggestions made by friendly doctors as there is no professional literature to support it:

  • low protein diet in serious (dialysed) kidney diseases

  • chemotherapy

  • radiotherapy

  • diseases from the group of collagen diseases

  • 4th to 8th month of pregnancy (only due to legal reasons)

  • eczema based on protein allergy

  • allergy to fish protein (for approx. 0.9% of the population)


You can always test our products before making your final decission. In such case, please contact one of our Distributors or send an email using our contact form and we'll arrange a meeting.

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